mardi 28 juin 2011

Auberge du Champs De Mars, Chef Philippe Excoffier

"Auberge du Champs de Mars" du chef Philippe Excoffier vient d'ouvrir son restaurantdans le Paris 7ème. Philippe était le chef à la résidence américaine Ambassadeurs à Paris, cela vaut une visite.
18, rue de l'Exposition
75007 Paris
+33 1 45 51 78 08


Out of clutter, find simplicity
From discord, find harmony
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

after sunset on the beach near St Tropez

lundi 27 juin 2011

Monday bloody Monday

Monday lunch, Paris 10eme

mardi 21 juin 2011

The Water

This magnificent butterfly finds a little heap of dirt and sits still on it; but man will never on his heap of mud keep still....


"The world is charged with Grandeur"

lundi 13 juin 2011

St Tropez

This week I am in the south of France, working for Christies.

mercredi 8 juin 2011


The good things in life sometimes are free, most of the time they are very expensive

mercredi 1 juin 2011

Last Night

The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.