jeudi 25 février 2010

The Vittoz House in Burgundy

This week I photographed a really great house in Burgundy, France. The owners are Mark and Sophie Vittoz, its an old farm house that they have been working on for a while, the way its done is great, modern mix with the old french farmhouse, the kitchen is in the room where the animals where, there is still the trough that runs down the middle for the waste to run away.

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello Francis Thanks for your very good photos of Burgundy I know very well this house!!!I am a Sophie and Marc freind .I am also a photographer (since 2 years!)I love your "eye" and all the subjects of your photos!I would like to meet you if it is possible(I live in Paris)Thanks for reading me and hope you can have a minut for me...Alix (06 19 07 55 12)
